There is a total of 6 Seeds and each has its distinct option.
Seed is use always with Sphere, without sphere, seed is useless.
This means, to use seed, it must be combined with Sphere.

SEED = Can be found on La Cleon and Swamp and Vulcan map.
*im not sure about this one but I got all my seeds by creating them

SPHERE = Can be found on La Cleon, Swamp,Vulcan map, Devil Square 7 and Blood Castle 8.
* Spheres, rank thru its quality (From Low To High)
1. Chipped Sphere
2. Flawed Sphere
3. Natural Sphere
4. Flawless Sphere
5. Perfect Sphere

SEED SPHERE= adds a Seed Option to item (Depending on item kind)
You can create 30 kinds of Seedspheres with 1 option.
all Seedspheres can be used on all items.
SEED OPTIONS:Sets & Shields = Water, Wind, Earth
Weapons = Fire, Ice, Lightning

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